
Monday, August 20, 2007

My india trip so far... would l come back for good?

My readers shud excuse me for writing blogs only when things are going bad. It has been same case with my diary oflate -reasons not well understood.

Anyways, my India trip so far has not been so good. Starting from missing the flight in Frankfurt - its a different point that I flew business class this time - to burning my epilators adaptor this morning. I blame it all on the wierd system US follows. The United Airlines flight did not take off until 3 hrs after the scheduled departure time owing to "Thunderstorms". Thunderstorms - my foot - it was barely raining outside. 3 hrs I was sitting in the flight looking onto the runway wondering how 20-30 flights took off n landed where as mine stood still and why?? - thunderstorms. The US definition of a thunderstorm is ridiculous - there is neither a thunder not is there a storm, no lightning either. Wierdos! I sat there knowing very well that I am about to miss my connecting flight to Hyderabad. That meant staying in Frankfurt airport for a day coz the USELESS united representative could not find me an alternative flight going to India that entire day. I WILL not fly United anymore - that reminds me I shud send them a blasting email later today.

As if this whole ordeal was not enuf, Luftanza lost 1 of my suitcases. This I would not complain abt..a days delay meant the airlines paid me Rs.8000 as compensation. Then life in Bangalore started. Away from family I started work with not many friends around. This again aint crib- worthy - atleast not yet.

Last weekend I was out to watch Chak De with Josh ( for those who know him). The movie and the whole day turned out to be really good. NO cribs about that. Butttttttttt.. I lost my cell phone. Now I dont know if it was a pick-pocketer or if it slipped out of my back pocket somewhere. Tons of phone numbers and countless photographic memories - all lost. If it were me who found the phone - I would ideally return the phone- cash may be I would not, gold . hmm . may not .. but phone yes! wallet yes ! I would put myself in the shoes of a person who lost that and think how much this may be worth it to the owner. Whoever found my phone - as I unsuccessfully tried retracing the path of my lost phone - did not think it worth their time or effort. Sad situation aint it ? Why would Indians be so insensitive ? The same situation in the US would have higher chances of retrieving my lost phone. My friend said that this nature of fellow indians and the system here is what drives the young away from the country. Here is a small example of a lost cell phone - the bigger picture would involve the corruption, the shady politics, the selfish indian mentality. Would we youngsters be forced to be driven away from the country coz we are unable to bear the system? What a shame would that be. I have stayed outside the country or atleast far from all this until now- I am hopeful that I can come back and blend in. Thats the plan - lets see. Yes -thats the answer - I plan to move back. Soon!

The final crib : burnt adaptor. Oh yes! badly torn sole of my favorite sandal also. Anyways, for this - adaptor - I totally blame those wierdos. Why drive on the right when the world drives on the left? Why have doors opening the other way around ? Why say color not colour ? Why elect Bush ;) ? Whyyy make 110V instead of 220V? - Idiots. All my other US products have 110-240V so I assumed my epilator has the same. My bad ? Neah this time I want to blame them for it again. Even before I could yank the cord out coz of the wierd noise my epilator made - BOOM! the adaptor blew. Yet another great start to my day - the best part : I have to buy the whole set cozzz they dont sell adaptors seperately. I checked all other electronics I have - everything 110-240V - just this one was 110-124V - what ridiculous range of voltage is it. They just want me to have a miserable time outside the US. I am not giving in. No! not me.


At 1:56 AM, Blogger Josh said...

lost cell fone eh?
and chappal sole?
wonder who pointed that out to you..

madam! dunno y, but u too are one of those who ran away from here.


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